Saturday, February 2, 2008

Uruguayan Fun

Let's see, it's been about two weeks since we have been here and of what I can recall, Punta del Este and Carnaval 2008 seem to stand out the most, not to mention all the little exciting things that happen everyday here in Uruguay!
Carnaval was probably a little over a week ago. Never have I been amongst so many people in my life!! It was this huge parade that lasted about 4 hours. We didn't stay the whole time, but the time we were there was quite exciting. One big difference between the parades I have been to and this one: anyone can be a part of it! People were running around like crazy. They would cheer and just run up to join the dancers and floats that passed by. It was really funny. It was mostly children, but everytime a banner would pass by, they would run out into the street and lie down in the middle of the road while the banner passed over them. I told Courtney we should go out there and try it, but for some reason she declined.
After the parade, we walked home which was scary. Carnaval is known to be a crazy night. It's kind of like Mardi Gras. I experienced a particular incident with a drunk man, but we wont go into details. Haha.

Last weekend we went to Punta del Este. We left Casa ACU at around 8 am and took a charter bus. We are spoiled. First place we went was Casapueblo and it was amaaaaaazing. It was this huge adobe looking palace that was built by this artist, though I can't remember his name at the moment. My mom woud have definitely loved it since it was built right off the ocean. The sun sets over the water every night. How majestical.
After, we took a boat to this little island. It looked deserted, but there was a small beautiful beach waiting for us on the other side. Just so you guys know, the Atlantic Ocean is freeeeeeeezing. The water looked so clear and beautiful that I just couldn't resist. I jumped in along with my friend Emily (Courtney was too chicken, though later she couldn't resist either.) I mean, how bad could it be right? My legs went numb from the water and my feet started aching with pain. LOL, I've never been in water that cold, but I'm glad I can say that I have now!
We swam a little longer, then I had to get out because it was so cold. We laid (sp?) around in the sand for a long time and almost fell asleep. We lazied around all day. It was great. I also picked some rocks for my aunts so they could have some off the Alantic coast, however when I think about that, it takes me back to my little incident in the bathroom. We went to change clothes in these tiny bathrooms. The door to the stalls (sp?) would hit your knees when you sat down to the lid less toiley, so you can imagine me trying to change in this box. I was careful not to drop anything in the toilet since Courtney had just yelled at me not to drop anything. I unfolded my shorts and one of the beautiful rocks that I had picked up for my aunt fell and plopped right into the toilet. And it was a really BIG one!! So I was wondering what the guard lady was going to do (the bathrooms here have guards) if she saw it in there. I had to. It was far down and in the back. I had to reach way down and dig it out.......I bathed in hand sanitizer.
Okay only a little more, I promise. For dinner we went to Piriapolis. I thought I had seen lots of nature in my past. I had been to the mountains and had just seen a beautiful beach. Piriapolis took my breath away. We ate at this restaurant high in the sky above the city below us. It was peninsula, so there was water on all three sides, with mountainous hills behind us, and the city and beach directly below us. We ate with the sun setting over the view. After the sun had set, Courtney and I rode the sky ride down the side of the cliff. That was great too, except we couldn't understand what to do when the workers yelled directions at us in spanish.

It was one of the best days ever, however, me being me did not wear any sunscreen. I had heard that Uruguay is closer to the hole in the ozone layer so the sun is even more dangerous than at home. I didn't listen. You guys can guess what happend...I BURNED!! Never have I gotten a sunburn like that in my life!

I could go on and on, so I'll save the rest for next time. :) God bless.


Tim Archer said...

Sounds like you're having a great time. We're admittedly envious.

Take care.

Grace and peace,

Cassandra Marie said...

AAAHAha! you put your hand in a toilet!!! a ha ha ha. life is ironic, isn't it?? :D:D:D