Tuesday, January 22, 2008

!Hola! ?Que tal?

Buenas noches amigos,

This is Courtney! So I feel kind of awkward posting on Tina's blog because I do have one of my own, but Tina insists on us sharing. Lol, which I don't mind of course!

Today was the second day of classes, and boy am I intimidated. There is so much writing, which is probably the thing I stink at the most, and lots of reading, which isn't too bad. The professors are all pretty nice, but I am going by my middle name, Elizabeth because I am finding it is easier for spanish-speakers to say. Hopefully that won't get too confusing.

Aside from the classes and as far as transition goes, I think I'm doing pretty well. (Knock on wood.) I really like being here. There is so much to see. It's all so different and I'm trying to be as flexible as possible so that culture shock doesn't hit me too hard. Tina and I were just talking about what we wanted for dinner, and we both realized that we missed Sonic. How sad is that? Not even a week, and we are already missing the food back home. I know it sounds cliche, but you really don't know how much something means until its gone. How convenient it is to run down to a fast food place where everyone speaks english and the menus all make sense! We did find a hamburger stand, but the meat tastes more like breakfast sausage than ground beef. But hey! that is what studying abroad is all about! Finding out your habits and learning to adapt to new ways of living. And if lack of american food is the only thing that rubs me wrong then that is fantastic!

The people here are very different too. Tina's dad, I hope you aren't reading this, but there are so many beautiful people. I told Tina that even the house painting guys are handsome! But no worries padres, we are going to come home, and we probably won't marry a Uruguayan. We are here to learn, not to search for soulmates right?

Well I guess that's all I will post for now. I hope you are all doing well and that the Lord keeps you safe for us. Last night I couldn't fall asleep because I kept worrying something bad would happen to someone back home, and I wouldn't be able to be there. So be safe guys--you don't know how much we love you.




Cassandra Marie said...

elizabeth--you're being silly. we're all fine and well back here. the only thing any of us are likely to suffer from is boredom. have fun. live it up!! and... maybe you don't have to marry the gorgeous uruguayan men, but no one said dating's a sin!!!

DAD said...

Well Court, Tina's Dad read this. And maybe you don't have to marry and maybe you just don't have to date those gorgeous Uruguayan men either huh? But should you find yourselves dating one of them....take Mark with yal. :-)