Thursday, February 14, 2008

When its over, is it really over?

Hello friends,

Well here I am about a month in. Through intensive study of culture crossing and such, I have repeatedly read about a little thing called "culture shock." It happens when someone goes for an extended amount of time to another culture different from their own. There are four stages in this experience, the first being the "honeymoon" phase. During this time, everything you experience is good and exciting and nothing seems to bother you too much. About a month in though, the initial excitement you had starts to wear off and you find that things are not so "peachy."
The reason for me babbling about this has been brough on by my constant worry that the excitement is soon going to end. We are coming up on being here for a month and I'm afraid its all going to start heading downhill. Already I am starting to see people getting annoyed, and a few times I have heard some pretty negative comments about things people dislike. I knew this was going to eventually come, but I guess I thought I would be more prepared. Nothing really terrible has happened, but I fear the worst is yet to come. What I'm wondering, though is that when the "honeymoon" is over, is it really over? Will I really get to the point where I'm sick of being here? This has been on my mind since the moment I stepped off the plane. Ugh. I keep praying that God will help me to be positive and optimistic. Hopefully He will not turn a deaf ear to my request.
I guess that's all I had to say, just worrying about what is to come. Not to worry anyone of course, just expressing my concerns. Well I guess that's all for now. Until next time.


1 comment:

Cassandra Marie said...

Hmm... well, I'll have you know that I'm sitting in the parking lot of my old school JUST to read y'alls blog. and check my e-mail as well, but anywho. Just a word of advice--I wouldn't worry about something that's not even happening yet, though I guess it very well could be by now. Seriously GO OUT AND MEET PEOPLE, because that is the best way not to get bored or, worse, irritated with your fellow Americans. There is SO much to discover, that it is surely a waste of time not to be out there discovering it, much less worrying about what MIGHT happen. Submerse yourself. Let your faith guide you--not your intellect. Do things that seem silly.

Just a friendly word of advice. :D